5 tips & tricks to quickly make your home smell fabulous for last minute guest visit - Shiora Blog Image

5 tips & tricks to quickly make your home smell fabulous for last minute guest visit

Have you ever had a last-minute visitor and didn't have time to run to the store for air fresheners? Or maybe you just moved into a new place, and it doesn't smell the best yet. Fear not; we are here to help! Here are five tips to quickly make your home smell fabulous without breaking the bank. 

5 tips & tricks to quickly make your home smell fabulous - shiora blog infographic

Here are some small tips to make your home smell good:

  • Bake some cookies or bread. The aroma of freshly baked goods is hard to resist and will make your home smell delicious. 
  • Simmer some spices on the stovetop. Try cinnamon, vanilla, or any other of your favourite scents. 
  • Open a reed diffuser bottle and put it near the entrance. Reed diffusers always make a room smell nice, and there are so many different scents available that you can find one perfect for your needs. 
  • Put out some fresh flowers or plants. Not only will this give your home a fresh scent, but it will also add some beautiful decoration.


SHIORA Blog - 5 tips & tricks to quickly make your home smell fabulous for last minute guest visit: tip 1 put hot, good smelling dish washing water in the kitchen sink

Tip 1: Put hot, good smelling dish washing water in the kitchen sink

A clean kitchen is a happy kitchen. And one of the quickest and easiest ways to keep your kitchen clean is to wash your dishes regularly. Put some hot water in the kitchen sink and add a squirt of dishwashing liquid. The hot water will help the dishwashing liquid create suds and produce a rich, pleasing aroma. If you have time, add a few drops of essential oil to the mix. Then, just let the sink full of suds sit for a few minutes before draining it. Your kitchen will smell amazing, and your guests will be impressed with your cleaning skills!


    SHIORA Blog - 5 tips & tricks to quickly make your home smell fabulous for last minute guest visit: tip 2 mop your floor with fragrant wiper

    Tip 2: Mop your floor with fragrant wiper

    Assuming you have a tile or wood floor, one of the quickest ways to make your whole house smell fantastic is to mop with a fragrant wiper. If you have ever used one of those things, then you know how good they can make your floors smell. You can use any solution you want in them, but you can also mix a bit of multi-surface cleaner with some water and a few drops of essential oil. This mopped my floor and left it smelling great and gave it a nice shine.


    SHIORA Blog - 5 tips & tricks to quickly make your home smell fabulous for last minute guest visit: tip3 use mini spray kit

    Tip 3: Freshen your home with air fresheners

    (alternatively, you can also use Shiora mini spray kit to spray your door mat area)

    A home is a reflection of its owner, and nothing says "welcome" quite like a pleasant smell. Air fresheners are an easy and affordable way to give your home a fresh, inviting scent. However, with so many different types and scents available, choosing the right one for your home can be difficult. Here are a few tips to help you select the perfect air freshener for your space:

    • Consider the size of your room. If you have a large open space, you'll want an air freshener with a strong scent that can fill the room. For smaller spaces, a scent from reed diffusers will be more than sufficient.
    • Think about the type of scent you want. Would you prefer something floral, citrusy, or musky? Or maybe something more unique, like vanilla or cinnamon?
    • Choose an air freshener that fits your lifestyle. If you have pets or children, look for an air freshener that is safe for them to be around. For example, many essential oil diffusers use ultrasonic waves to disperse the oil, which is completely safe for kids and pets.


    If you're looking for an easy way to keep your doormat smelling great, the Shiora mini spray kit is a great option. This handy little kit has everything you need to quickly and easily clean your doormat. Plus, the compact size of the Shiora mini spray kit makes it easy to store away when not in use.


    SHIORA Blog - 5 tips & tricks to quickly make your home smell fabulous for last minute guest visit: tip 4 clean the common area with citrus scent

    Tip 4: Clean the common areas' furniture surfaces with citrus scent

    When you think of cleaning, citrus is probably not the first scent that comes to mind. However, citrus-scented cleaning products can be quite effective at removing dirt and grime. The natural oils in citrus fruits contain compounds that can break down stubborn dirt and grime

    The sharp scent of citrus is great for masking any lingering unpleasant odours. For these reasons, tip number four for keeping your common areas clean is to use citrus-scented cleaning products on all furniture surfaces. After executing this simple tip, you'll be surprised at how much brighter and cleaner your common areas will look and smell.


    SHIORA Blog - 5 tips & tricks to quickly make your home smell fabulous for last minute guest visit: tip 5 boil a pot of herbs or fruits

    Tip 5: Boil a pot of herbs or fruits

    Another popular method is to boil a pot of water and add herbs or fruits. The heat will cause the essential oils in the ingredients to vaporize, and the resulting fragrance will quickly fill the room. 

    This method can be particularly effective in small spaces, such as bathrooms or bedrooms. In addition, it is relatively inexpensive and easy to do. Choose your favourite scent and prepare a pot of boiling water. Then, add a handful of herbs or a few fruit slices (recommended to use citrusy fruits) and enjoy the delightful aroma.


    Additional Tips to Make Your Home Smell Fabulous Quickly:

    - Bring your reed diffuser nearer to the doorstep

    Reed diffusers are a great way to add a touch of fragrance to your home without worrying about open flames or hot wax. Diffusers use reeds or other materials to release fragrance into the air slowly.

    For best results, place the reed diffuser near an open door or window so the scent can circulate throughout your home. You can also experiment with different essential oil blends to create a custom scent for your home. Whether you’re looking for a refreshing citrus blend or a warm and inviting vanilla scent, diffusers offer an easy way to make your home smell great.


    - Put one reed diffuser near where your guests will be sitting

    To get the most out of your reed diffuser, place it near where your guests will be sitting. This way, they can enjoy the fragrance without it being too overpowering. You can also try placing a diffuser in your entryway to give your guests a warm welcome as soon as they arrive. With a little experimentation, you'll surely find the perfect spot for your reed diffuser.


    - Remember to turn the reeds right before your guests arrive

    The diffuser consists of a bottle or vase filled with scented oil and a bundle of fiber reeds that are inserted into the oil. As the oil molecules travel up the reeds, they are released into the air, providing a subtle and long-lasting scent. Reed diffusers are an excellent choice for people who want to enjoy a constant fragrance without worrying about candles or electricity. However, it is important to remember that the fragrance from a reed diffuser will become more intense the longer the diffuser is left open. For this reason, it is best to turn the reed sticks right before your guests arrive so that they can enjoy the full effect of the scent.


    shiora planet collection signature scent reed diffuser venus rain

    Why reed diffusers are better than air diffusers to quickly make your home smell good?

    Here are 5 reasons why reed diffusers are better than air diffusers to make your home smell better quickly:

    • Reed diffusers release fragrance without the use of heat or water, which means the scent is not altered or diluted. 
    • Reed diffusers work by using the capillarity of the reed sticks to absorb the fragrance oil and then slowly release it into the air. This process allows for a delicate and consistent diffusion of scent. 
    • Reed diffusers come in a variety of scents, so you can choose one that reflects your personal taste or mood. 
    • Reed diffusers are an elegant way to add fragrance to any room in your home whether it be the living room, bedroom or kitchen.
    • Unlike air diffusers, reed diffusers do not require electricity to operate, making them a more cost-effective option.


    Importance of your home smelling good when guests arrive:

    - It's a sign of hospitality

    When you welcome guests into your home, the last thing you want is for them to smell something bad. You're setting the stage for a comfortable visit by keeping your home well-ventilated and smelling fresh.


    - It makes your home feel more like a sanctuary

    Your home should be a place where you can relax and feel at ease. Airing out any funky smells will help create an atmosphere of tranquilly and peace in your space.


    - It shows that you care about your guests' comfort level.

    Certain smells can actually be harmful to your health, so it's important to get rid of them as soon as possible. Keeping your home well-ventilated will help reduce the risk of respiratory problems and headaches.



    Being prepared for last-minute guests doesn't have to be difficult or time-consuming. By following these five easy tips, you can quickly make your home smell fabulous and impress even the most discerning visitors. Do you have other tips for making your home smell great in a pinch? Share them with us in the comments below!

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